Python - Factory Pattern example

Here is an example of Factory pattern in Python. I have done similar in C# many times and I figured I would try to accomplish something like this in Python as I am learning it. Please ignore the casing on my variable names as I am still learning the proper Python syntax :)



class AddressVerification:
    def __init__(self, name):  # Constructor of the class = name

    def talk(self):  # Abstract method, defined by convention only
        raise NotImplementedError("Subclass must implement abstract method")



class ABCProviderAddressVerification(AddressVerification):
    def talk(self):
        return 'ABC Provider performing...!'


class EFGProviderAddressVerification(AddressVerification):
    def talk(self):
        return 'EFG Provider performing ...'



class AddressVerifyFactory:
    def __init__(self, defaultProviderName):
        self.DefaultProviderName = defaultProviderName
        self.AddressVerifyObj = 0
        providerFromConfig = self.DefaultProviderName

        if providerFromConfig == '1':
            print 'provider is 1'
            self.AddressVerifyObj = ABCProviderAddressVerification('provider 1')
            print 'provider is 2'            
            self.AddressVerifyObj = EFGProviderAddressVerification('provider 2')

    def PerformAddressVerification(self):
        print 'Start of PerformAddressVerification method'



def main():
    addr_obj = AddressVerifyFactory('1')

    address_object2 = AddressVerifyFactory('2')


if __name__ == "__main__": main()


provider is 1
Start of PerformAddressVerification method
ABC Provider performing...!
provider is 2
Start of PerformAddressVerification method
EFG Provder performing ...

#python #programming #code #coding #software #softwaredeveloper #softwareengineering #programmer

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